H5P activities list

This book includes 219 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
204Unit 15 audioAudio
205Unit 16 vocabularyCrossword
206Unit 16 audioAudio
207Unit 16 readingDocumentation Tool
208Unit 16 vocabularyDrag the Words
209Unit 16 grammarFill in the Blanks
210Unit 16 listeningColumn
211Unit 16 pre-listeningAccordion
212Unit 10 listeningAudio
213Unit 14 audioAudio
214Unit 5 skim readingColumn
215Unit 16 reading answersAccordion
216Unit 12 IntroductionFill in the Blanks
217Unit 7 infographicAccordion
219Unit 5 word familiesImage Hotspots
220Unit 5 grammarFill in the Blanks
221Unit 12 infographicEssay
222Unit 2 readingAccordion
223Unit 9 vocabularyEssay
224Unit 11 functionAccordion
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