
Open Press University of Sussex Catalogue






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Develop Your English book cover

Develop Your English

CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivatives)  219 H5P Activities    English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Sue Robbins

Subject(s): Language teaching and learning: second or additional languages, Language teaching and learning material and coursework, Language self-study, Open learning, distance education, Educational material

Institution(s): University of Sussex

Publisher: University of Sussex Library

Last updated: 04/03/2025

Develop Your English is a textbook for upper intermediate – advanced level English language learners (B2/C1) which incorporates a global perspective into the language learning process through a focus on international themes, organised around the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The sixteen units integrate global research summaries that offer learners perspectives on world issues alongside opportunities to develop their English as an international language for communication about the world and themselves in the world.

The interactive tasks in the 16 units encourage systematic vocabulary development, help extend a range of reading and listening skills as longer stretches of authentic text are tackled, and focus attention on grammatical and lexical items selected from the text (spoken or written) to examine and review. The deliberate recycling of ideas aids retrieval practice and offers learners opportunities to elaborate their understanding of the material and relate it to concrete examples from their own context, while encouraging the use of English to formulate complex responses to the material.

Develop Your English was a finalist in the British Council ELTons Awards for Innovation in English Language Teaching and Learning 2024 in the Excellence in Course Innovation category and received the Judges’ Commendation for Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action.

100 Ideas for Active Learning book cover

100 Ideas for Active Learning

CC BY (Attribution)   English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Active Learning Network

Editor(s): Paolo Oprandi, Tab Betts

Subject(s): Teaching skills and techniques, Philosophy and theory of education, Social pedagogy, Higher education, tertiary education, Adult education, continuous learning, Teachers’ classroom resources and material, Study and learning skills: general

Institution(s): University of Sussex

Publisher: University of Sussex Library

Last updated: 30/01/2025

This is a practical handbook for educators and curriculum designers who wish to apply active learning tools and strategies in their own teaching and learning contexts. It contains short chapters under six themes: theory and curriculum design,  inclusive communities, transferable skills, assessment and feedback, teaching strategies, digitally-enhanced learning. Practitioners from around the world offer ideas for those wishing to encourage students to take active learning approaches to their studies. Effective learning happens through embodied experiences; when students are applying all their senses, physical, mental, emotional and social.

The book is novel in its inception, scope and aims. Educationalists from across the world have come together to write about something they are passionate about and hope will improve teaching delivery, student learning experiences and assessment integrity for all.

Dr Paolo Oprandi, University of Sussex

This book offers practical advice (supported by pedagogical theory) for implementing active learning techniques. It is a great resource for educationalists who are looking for fresh ideas, both in the classroom and online!

Nayiri Keshishi, University of Surrey

This book is a must-have tool book for teachers looking to improve engagement and liven up their lessons. This book is recommended for teachers from all stages of their career, from an experienced educator who needs some refreshing to a beginner who requires easy-to-follow creative ideas to support them. What I love about this book is that it offers a diverse range of activities that cater for all subjects. It is also refreshing to have a book containing activities coming from educators across the world. 

Dr Shelini Surendran, University of Surrey

Produced by a globe-straddling team, this innovative volume was put together whilst authors were dealing with the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a testament to the editorial team, as well as individual authors. The diverse chapters it contains will provide inspiration for educators across disciplines far into the future. 

Peter Finn, Kingston University

For me, this has quickly become a go-to book for anything Active Learning, covering a myriad of examples and cases for various disciplines and areas of application, from assessment practice to inclusive practice, and will be of value to educationalists exploring active learning principles for the first time, to the veteran pedagogue looking for diverse inspiration.

Matt East, Perlego

Disrupting Traditional Pedagogy: Active Learning in Practice book cover

Disrupting Traditional Pedagogy: Active Learning in Practice

CC BY (Attribution)   English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Tab Betts, Wendy Garnham, Paolo Oprandi, Wendy Ashall, Jill Kirby, Margarita Steinberg, Heather Taylor, Victoria Grace Walden

Editor(s): Tab Betts, Wendy Garnham, Paolo Oprandi

Subject(s): Education

Publisher: University of Sussex Library

Last updated: 11/12/2024

Ever wondered what ‘teaching outside the box’ looks like? Disrupting Traditional Pedagogy: Active Learning in Practice answers this question by sharing real stories of innovation in active learning from a variety of contexts and disciplines. The central premise of active learning is that people learn best when they are actively involved in constructing, modelling or representing knowledge and skills, rather than being passive recipients of content as was commonplace in traditional top-down approaches to teaching.

This book is packed with practical ideas which are directly applicable to classroom instruction. However, it also challenges us to think honestly and critically about the successes and challenges of each approach. Every chapter contains a step-by-step guide on how we, as teaching practitioners, can develop similar tasks and environments in our contexts.

Drawing on the University of Sussex’s ‘disruptive by design’ philosophy, this book provides an eclectic anthology of real-life experiments in disrupting outmoded pedagogy. We have explored beyond the perimeters of teacher-centred learning and returned with maps that detail tested routes through the territory of active learning, but also pitfalls to avoid on your own journey.

What does ‘teaching beyond the box’ look like? Step outside with us and see for yourself.

Creating with uncertainty book cover

Creating with uncertainty

CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivatives)   English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Edited by Perpetua Kirby, Rebecca Webb

Subject(s): Teaching skills and techniques, Children’s / Teenage social topics: Environment, sustainability and green issues, Social pedagogy

Institution(s): University of Sussex

Publisher: University of Sussex Library

Last updated: 05/12/2024

This set of resources is designed to support students in engaging with the complexities of climate change and biodiversity loss in their everyday lives. It consists of ten on-the-ground sustainability topics, each offering different activities that can be used to enrich teaching across the curriculum. They engage students philosophically and practically to work towards a more sustainable world. What is key is that this pack offers opportunities to be creative with uncertainty, so that students and their teachers can draw on their own and curricular knowledge, to see what new things they might discover. The invitation is to be uncertain together, where neither the educator nor the student knows (and cannot know) the answer in advance.

From Lab to Laptop: Case studies in teaching practical courses online book cover

From Lab to Laptop: Case studies in teaching practical courses online

CC BY (Attribution)   English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Active Learning Network

Editor(s): Tab Betts, Paolo Oprandi

Subject(s): Open learning, distance education, Higher education, tertiary education, Teaching skills and techniques, Educational equipment and technology, computer-aided learning (CAL)

Institution(s): University of Sussex

Publisher: University of Sussex Library

Last updated: 21/10/2024

The ability to teach online makes learning content accessible to all with internet access. However, in the process of moving our courses online it is crucial that educators continue to provide students  practical experiences to learn from. Hands-on learning in courses such as nursing, dance, and chemistry is challenging to adapt for online learning and significant ingenuity is needed to make them suitable for an online setting. That is why it is crucial that, as a broader community, we share ideas on how to overcome the challenges faced. This book aims to address this need by providing a range of case studies from higher education students and staff on how practical learning can be redesigned for online teaching.

Introduction to Biological Psychology book cover

Introduction to Biological Psychology

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): University of Sussex Library

Editor(s): Dr Catherine Hall

Subject(s): Psychology

Institution(s): University of Sussex

Publisher: University of Sussex Library

Last updated: 19/10/2023

An open access textbook designed primarily for use by first and second year undergraduate students of British Psychological Society accredited Psychology degree courses in the UK.
Media, Arts and Humanities Sustainability Educator Toolkit book cover

Media, Arts and Humanities Sustainability Educator Toolkit

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Jo Lindsay Walton, Adaora Oji, Alice Eldridge

Subject(s): Sustainability, Higher education, tertiary education, Social pedagogy, Climate change, The environment

Institution(s): University of Sussex

Publisher: University of Sussex Library/Sussex Humanities Lab

Last updated: 20/06/2023

This toolkit is filled with suggestions from colleagues across the University of Sussex’s School of Media, Arts and Humanities, and beyond. It is aimed at supporting educators in building themes, concepts and practices related to sustainability into their teaching.
Innovations in Active Learning in Higher Education book cover

Innovations in Active Learning in Higher Education

CC BY (Attribution)   English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Active Learning Network

Editor(s): Simon Pratt-Adams, Uwe Richter, Mark Warnes

Subject(s): Education, Social pedagogy

Publisher: University of Sussex Library

Last updated: 19/07/2022