Book Title: From Lab to Laptop: Case studies in teaching practical courses online

Author: Active Learning Network

Cover image for From Lab to Laptop: Case studies in teaching practical courses online

Book Description: The ability to teach online makes learning content accessible to all with internet access. However, in the process of moving our courses online it is crucial that educators continue to provide students hands-on practical experiences to learn from. Practical, hands-on learning in courses such as nursing, dance, and chemistry is challenging to adapt for online learning and significant ingenuity is needed to make them suitable for an online setting. That is why it is crucial that, as a broader community, we share ideas on how to overcome the challenges faced. This book aims to address this need by providing a range of case studies from higher education students and staff on how practical learning can be redesigned for online teaching.

Creative Commons Attribution


Book Information

Book Description

The ability to teach online makes learning content accessible to all with internet access. However, in the process of moving our courses online it is crucial that educators continue to provide students hands-on practical experiences to learn from. Practical, hands-on learning in courses such as nursing, dance, and chemistry is challenging to adapt for online learning and significant ingenuity is needed to make them suitable for an online setting. That is why it is crucial that, as a broader community, we share ideas on how to overcome the challenges faced. This book aims to address this need by providing a range of case studies from higher education students and staff on how practical learning can be redesigned for online teaching.


Active Learning Network



Open learning, distance education


From Lab to Laptop: Case studies in teaching practical courses online
Active Learning Network
Tab Betts and Paolo Oprandi
Primary Subject
Open learning, distance education
Additional Subject(s)
Higher education, tertiary education, Teaching skills and techniques, Educational equipment and technology, computer-aided learning (CAL)
University of Sussex
University of Sussex Library
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)