Chapter 14 – From physical to virtual: the emergence of an authentic work-related experience

Wendy Johnston

About the author

Wendy is a National Teaching Fellow, Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and member of SEDA and the International Federation of National Teaching Fellows.

As a senior Lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University, Wendy is committed to implementing innovative, active learning techniques, creating authentic learning environments, and developing external partnerships and collaborations. Passionate about bringing teaching and learning to life to maximise the student experience, Wendy works collaboratively with students, staff, stakeholders, and national / international networks, to unlock potential and share best practice. Wendy’s proactive approach and active engagement with scholarship and enterprise is student-focused and inclusive.


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From Lab to Laptop: Case studies in teaching practical courses online Copyright © by Wendy Johnston is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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